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February 21, 2025
"Technical Advice is provided on a Suitable Niche-Rich Domain Name for your Business Website Address"

Welcome To Goleza Designers Limited

Domain Name Registration

Do you want to register a domain name? At Goleza Designers Limited, we give you important tips to consider before registering your domain, which is key to the success of your business.

Selecting a suitable domain name is the first step you make as you plan to establish yourself online. It’s a determining factor of the success of your website and/or online business yet it’s an area where most webmasters are still lacking.

Based on our experience and expertise in web designing, online business and marketing, we shall guide you to come up with a name that will open up great opportunities for you to succeed in your business.

We partner with Hostgator and Namecheap to register the domain names for all the sites we design at a discount. We help our clients to register their domains with global popular extensions like .com, .co, .net, .org, .biz, etc.

How To Get Started

To get started, you send us a brief description of the kind of business you want to establish online through our email address. (Refer to Contacts)

Upon receiving your order and information relating to your niche, we shall develop several domain names, based on the researched keywords within your niche and share them with you.

With our guidance and your preference, we shall together zero down to one suitable domain name, which we shall register upon making a down payment of $18 either by cash or through Mobile Money/Airtel Money to the phone numbers listed in our contacts. You can also deposit the money in our Bank Account which we can avail to you on request (for clients in Uganda).

Clients with Credit Cards can pay directly to Hostgator and thereafter send us the payment details through our official email address. However, you have to pay through the link provided on this page to get discounted prices.

Additional Information on Domain Name Registration

Thank You For Visiting Us!


Formal education will make you a LIVING, but SELF-EDUCATION will make you a FORTUNE. Teach yourself! What you don't know, get someone who knows to teach you or get a book and read it.

Your Tip Of The Day

If you cannot pass the CREDIBILITY TEST in what you do, you can never succeed in business and in your life. Always be CREDIBLE! Be HONEST!

Your Tip Of The Day

Most people venture into business, especially small businesses, without taking the initiative to create a BUSINESS PLAN. There is little you can achieve in life without PLANNING. Your business success is dependant on your good planning.

Your Tip Of The Day

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Work out the things that you want to achieve and set high standards to have a major impact on your level of future success and to avoid becoming complacent when you don't stretch yourself.

Your Tip Of The Day

Persistence is key to BUSINESS SUCCESS. Building a successful business requires a lot of persistence and determination. There is no such thing like GET-RICH-QUICK. Persist until you WIN!

Your Tip Of The Day

There are 3 proven ways of growing your business: getting new customers, selling more to existing customers and selling more often to existing customers.

Your Tip Of The Day

BUSINESS GAPS are unavoidable. But as a serious business person, be aware of them in order to take precautionary steps to bridge them. Know the missing links in your business and find ways of narrowing them to avoid failure.

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER EDUCATION is a key ingredient to business success. Give your targeted customers a chance to learn about your business! When they understand the value of your products and services, they become real customers.

Your Tip Of The Day

The uniqueness of your products and services is key to business success. According to Forbes Magazine, 95% of the new business owners fail. Do you know why? One of the reasons is not having UNIQUE PRODUCTS.

Your Tip Of The Day

Have a UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION for your business! It's what differentiates you from your competitors and makes you unique from others who offer similar products or services. It makes you have unique business advantages over others.

Your Tip Of The Day

Learn from others to succeed in business! It's hard to succeed without a MENTOR. Look for role models like successful entrepreneurs and marketers! Get marketing ideas from the media! Read about real-like experiences on successful businesses!

Your Tip Of The Day

Learn from others to succeed in business! It's hard to succeed without a MENTOR. Look for role models like successful entrepreneurs and marketers! Get marketing ideas from the media! Read about real-like experiences on successful businesses!

Your Tip Of The Day

Learn from others to succeed in business! It's hard to succeed without a MENTOR. Look for role models like successful entrepreneurs and marketers! Get marketing ideas from the media! Read about real-like experiences on successful businesses!

Your Tip Of The Day

Taking action is the secret behind any success in your life. You can never know how far you can go until you take the first step. Many would-be successful businessmen only wish to start a business without taking the first STEP.

Your Tip Of The Day

Taking action is the secret behind any success in your life. You can never know how far you can go until you take the first step. Many would-be successful businessmen only wish to start a business without taking the first STEP.

Your Tip Of The Day

Taking action is the secret behind any success in your life. You can never know how far you can go until you take the first step. Many would-be successful businessmen only wish to start a business without taking the first STEP.

Your Tip Of The Day

Taking action is the secret behind any success in your life. You can never know how far you can go until you take the first step. Many would-be successful businessmen only wish to start a business without taking the first STEP.

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

Your Tip Of The Day

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK is a very important aspect of your business. It's the feedback you get from your customers about your products and services, either positive or negative. Learn to receive customer feedback and use it to grow your business!

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