Article Writing
11 Article Writing Techniques for Marketing Your Business
Writing articles for marketing your website is a difficult undertaking for most people. Article writing requires you to have a writing skills. Secondly, you’ve to provide your audience with useful information consistently. It’s probably one of the reasons why most people prefer sourcing article writing services. But if you have a limited budget to engage someone to write for you, the only alternative is to acquire the skill of writing your articles slowly.
That said, article writing is a skill you can acquire even if you have never written an article before. As long as you know very well the language in which you intend to write your articles, you can acquire the skill. Secondly, you need to develop a passion for writing articles. In this article, I would like to share with you 11 tips on how to improve your article writing skills.
Article Writing
#1 – Knowledge About the Subject Matter
Did you know that writing articles is easy if you know what to write? How much do you know the subject about which you intend to write? Can you present yourself as an expert on that subject? Are you conversant with the subject matter and with your niche? If you don’t have much information about your niche, you need to become more knowledgeable in your field of specialisation. Remember that driving traffic to your website necessitates presenting yourself as an expert, which depends largely on the content you provide to your readers and how good you are at writing your articles.
#2 – Presentation of Your Content
Article Writing Skill
Thinking about various ways of presenting your subject matter is a key element of article writing. When you come up with a single idea, you should reflect on the different ways of presenting the same topical idea in one to three or four interrelated patterns. It helps you to come up with several articles on the same subject. For instance, if your main idea is about autoresponders, you can widely expand your thinking by looking at the idea from different angles as follows:
- How to use autoresponders
- Benefits of using autoresponders in email marketing
- How to select the best autoresponder service, provider
- What to avoid when using autoresponders
#3 – Write in Stages
Article Writing Techniques
One of the article writing techniques I always use is to write my articles in stages. You do not have to write your article at a time. Vary your writing sessions on each article you produce. Make it a process whereby in your first writing, you are just putting the ideas down on paper off your head as they come and as they flow. The second time, you review what you wrote, paying attention to things like optimisation of keywords, grammatical corrections, spelling errors, coordination of ideas, logical flow of ideas and the style, among others. Another time, you polish it up before you finally publish it. This article writing technique can believably enable you to produce good articles.
#4 – Program Yourself
Another technique of writing articles continuously is by programming yourself. Plan to produce articles routinely and stick to your plan irrespective of any other eventualities. Style your mind in a way that you have to regularly focus your mind on writing as many articles as you can regularly.
#5 – Always Write When in a Good Mood
When writing your articles, it’s advisable to hold your writing sessions when you are in a good mood, a lively mood that allows you to think faster. It’s beneficial to write when you feel passionate and enthusiastic about what you are doing. It can help you to produce good articles. Remember that people see your writing mood reflected in your article, and it is a deciding factor about the success of your articles. Using this technique, I have written several articles, which make me feel like I did not compose them. You, too, can improve the quality of your writing skill by writing articles only when you are in a good writing mood.
#6 – Read Aloud
Read Aloud
Reading aloud is another way of improving your article writing skills. After drafting your article, you can read loudly to yourself several times. You can also read loudly in the presence of others to make corrections and perceive the impact your articles can have on your readers. This technique has, for sure, helped me to improve my article writing proficiency.
#7 – Write with Humour
Writing your articles with humour attracts people always to read your articles. You don’t have to do it at the expense of the quality of your articles in terms of content. Remember that writing humorous articles will play a big role in attracting your audience.
#8 – Write Persistently
Persistence contributes substantially to success in any business undertaking. Persistently write your articles to have a greater impact on your article marketing campaigns. Writing a few articles, and you stop will not help you to grow your business. Quality and quantity matter if you are to benefit from article writing.
#9 – Your Style a Key to Success
Have your style of writing. It’s one of the reasons why I prefer writing my articles. While it’s convenient and time-saving to source your articles from outside, it’s also a disadvantage in that you do not own their writing style. Other people will also get articles from the same source. Although the content will be different, the writing style is likely to remain the same. Remember that your followers and potential readers may be attracted to reading your articles because of your article writing style.
#10 – Use Simple and Understandable English
Avoid using jargon and hard terms. Where you are compelled to use difficult terms, endeavour to make them understandable. Use relatively short sentences to avoid ambiguity. Vary the size of your paragraphs. Long paragraphs tend to scare away your potential readers. It’s advisable to limit your paragraphs to not more than six sentences where possible.
#11 – Use Pictures in Your Stories
Photo Engraver
It’s essential to use images in your stories to communicate a message. Reading plain text without pictures can be so boring. As you write your articles, always try to integrate pictures into them. Why? It’s because of the following benefits:
- An image grabs the readers’ attention
- Images tell a story
- They convey a message quickly
- Your readers can easily share images.
As I wind up, I would like to remind you that improving your article writing skills is a process. By applying a few techniques like the ones I have mentioned above, you can become an expert article writer. Learn to write your articles to market your website, products and services. Remember that article marketing is an effective marketing strategy for your business.