Are you a blogger? How do you write your blog post headlines? You could be writing them in any way you feel okay. However, fewer people read your blog posts as you expect to do. One of the reasons behind this could be how you craft your headlines. Have you ever noticed it?
Blog post headlines can have either a positive or negative impact on your website. When you write, you write for your audience to read. But if your articles have weak headlines, even if the content is good, they turn away potential readers. It is because your headlines do not motivate your audience to read further. And when they go away, they may not return to your website.
If you do not want to waste your time and energy, you need to learn how to write great headlines. Excellent blog post headlines are those that persuade your audience to continue reading. Usually, they are captivating with a winning formula. They irresistibly capture the attention of your readers just in seconds. Learning to write headlines that compel your readers to read your content is essential for a blogger.
Your blog post headlines should give the reader an impression that your content is worth reading. Effective blogging requires you to target a specific category of people. Therefore, you need to know your targeted audiences and what they like. It is also vital that you learn about what motivates them. Write your headlines to attract them to read based on that knowledge.
Your readers click away when you do not grasp their attention to the headline instantly. It has adverse effects on your future publications and business. You will learn proven methods of writing winning blog post headlines in this post.
Write Blog Post
How Do You Write Winning Blog Post Headlines?
There are many effective ways of writing winning headlines, but I would like to share with you 5 of them. They are the ones I feel are vital and which every blogger can quickly grasp.
Writing Your Headline in the Form of a Question
When you write your blog headlines in the question form, you persuade your readers to develop an immediate desire to look for the answers in the article body. It is one of the most effective ways of attracting potential readers to read the whole article.
Example: Are You Aware Of Small Business Marketing Mistakes Online Marketers Make?
Using Commands
If you use commands in your headlines, you capture the attention of your article reader. It is an effective way of compelling your readers to continue reading because it gives them some assurance.
Example: Double Your Sales Within 2 Weeks—No Doubt.
How-to Headlines
How-to headlines appeal to many readers since they get the impression that you provide them with helpful information. When you start your blog post headlines with a how-to, you grab the interest of your audience and persuade them to keep reading.
Example: How The Internet And Web Designing Changed My Life, a True Story of Building a Home Business.
Using Testimonials
Writing titles in the form of testimony is another proven effective way of building trust. It is also an appealing way of attracting potential customers to read your article.
Example: Article Writing is a Great Marketing Tool – – My Sales Have More Than Doubled.
News Headlines
News Headlines
They are beneficial if you, for example, use them to announce new products and services. With news headlines, you have to write them in the form of an announcement to make your readers eager to read your articles.
Example: Announcing the Commissioning of the New Sheraton Hotel.
As I conclude, try to familiarise yourself with powerful words that draw your targeted readers’ attention quickly in your headlines. These are motivating words that work on your readers’ emotions to continue reading your article. Do you know some of them? Okay, let me leave it to you as your homework. As you get them, use them to write winning blog post headlines.