Why Customers Click Away
Why Do Customers Click Away?
Customers click away for various reasons and it’s a very big problem for most website owners and online marketers. As your customers click away, many times they do not return, which results in loss of potential customers and failure to make money. This problem sounds simple but it has unfavourable effects on your business. It’s for that reason that I would like you to focus your attention on why your customers click away before performing the actions you expect them to do.
1. Slow-Loading Web Pages
How much time do your web pages take to load? Like many other internet users, I always get disgusted when I visit a website and it takes a lot of time to open. In most cases, I become impatient and just click away because I never have enough time to wait for slow loading websites.
Time is limited to all people and most internet users are ever in a rush. Your website should load within 8 seconds with a 56k modem and your challenge now is to learn various techniques of reducing your website’s loading time.
2. Appearance
Your online business success will largely depend on your website’s appearance. The appearance gives a first-hand impression to your visitors, which can either attract them or force them to click away. Professionalism is, therefore, a prerequisite to the success of your website. A professionally designed website will take your time. Take your time to learn how to design a good looking website so that your customers do not click away.
3. Poor Navigational Links
Most customers click away due to poor navigational links. Links are indispensably important on your website. You must use links to enable your visitors to navigate your website. But how are your links positioned? Can your visitors see them without labouring and spending their valuable time?
To stop your customers from clicking away, always put your navigational links at the top, bottom, left or right side of your web pages for easy visibility. Align them well to give a nice look on all your web pages.
4. Broken Navigational Links
Broken Navigational Links
Your broken navigational links can be a very big disappointment to your visitors. It’s like making phone calls to your lover for a conversation and you disappointingly receive messages like “The number you’re calling is no longer on the XY Network”. How do you feel? It’s the same feeling other people get with your broken links.
Your challenge is to check constantly your links to see if they are working well. Also, remember that your visitors sometimes enter your site from other pages other than the main page. Your customers click away when your website links get broken.
5. Wrong Spellings/Grammatical Mistakes
Nobody will take you seriously and believe in the products you offer if your website content is full of several spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Your customers click away if your posts or sales copy is full of careless mistakes. Read through your sales copy or posts several times and at different times. Read aloud! Ask colleagues with a good command of English to peruse through if your English is not all that good.
Secondly, your customers click away if you use jargon. Avoid them because you are writing for others to understand.
6. Failure to Know What Your Product Is
Product Knowledge
Your customers click away when they fail to know exactly what products you offer on the website. This forces them to move away and don’t even come back. The moment they fail to find the product you are selling, they obviously won’t spend more time looking for it.
7. Failure to Create a Reason for Your Customers to Hang On
I have always mentioned that people do not buy from you to make you happy. They buy your product to meet their needs and satisfaction. Knowing why your targeted customers buy from you is so important to the success of your business.
If you do not create a reason for your potential customers to buy and to continue buying, they will come in big numbers, stay for just a second and click away. Create a reason to turn your visitors into buyers. The onus is on you to learn the techniques of benefiting from their visits in any way possible before they take off to other websites that offer similar products or services.
8. Lack of Concision and Precision
How precise and concise are your sales copy and your adverts? What about your main page, how is it? I have visited many websites where one has to scroll in oblivion with too much to read for just a simple thing. Never fall victim to the “They-don’t-understand syndrome”. Just present your messages clearly, your readers will understand. Know that time is important and internet users are always in a rush. Scrolling from left to right and from top to bottom scares away your visitors. Be precise and concise!
9. Poor Organisation
Poor Organisation
How organized is your website? By organization, I do not only mean the physical arrangement of your matter but also the logical display of your content. It matters a lot and is one of the reasons why customers click away.
10. Lack of Credibility/Trust
People rarely buy from strangers and if they have to buy from them, there must be a convincing reason. It’s therefore important to create a page about your personal information and information about your company. Create a page on which you explain how you use the information you collect from them if you have a capture form on your website.
11. Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly
Do you know that most people nowadays visit websites by using their mobile phones? If your website isn’t responsive to the different sizes of mobile phones, your visitors will come and go. Nobody will enjoy reading the content on your site while scrolling from left to right. But they feel comfortable scrolling from top to bottom. So make your website mobile user friendly!
As a word for thought, if you are planning to design a website to start your business, you will find the above points helpful. If you already have a website but your customers just click away, consider redesigning your site for you are in business to make money. The success of your business online requires you to work on your business based on the points mentioned above. Work on your website!