Nameplate Designs
Engraved nameplates display a person or product’s name. Usually, people use them in an office environment to identify offices or employees and their roles. They also use them for commercial purposes by mounting them on products to identify their brand. The difference between nameplates and name tags is in their application. Whereas name tags are worn on uniforms or clothing, nameplates are mounted onto objects such as doors, walls, etc… Engraved nameplates can be of any design or shape. The commonest design every engraver can easily produce in Uganda is the rectangular shape. You find it in most places. But there are other unique and beautiful designs, which Goleza Designers Limited offers, thanks to the creative nature of our designers. Through our creativity, you can have unique engraved nameplates made in any design that pleases you.
What Materials Do We Have for Making Engraved Nameplates?
When making these nameplates, the first consideration is always the material. There are several different materials from which we produce nice engraved nameplates. But the choice of the material is always dependent upon other factors like budget, design, usage and availability. How much money does the client have available for the work? What design does he want? Where is he going to place it? Is the material readily available with the Ugandan suppliers or do we have to make a special order abroad? With those considerations in mind, we advise the clients accordingly for them to make an informed decision. We are therefore able to produce engraved nameplates from materials like anodized aluminium, stainless steel and brass. But if your budget is limited, we advise you to use wood or acrylic. Most people in Uganda opt for acrylic engraved nameplates because they are relatively cheaper.
Which Method Do We Use To Make These Engraved Nameplates?
In Uganda, most engravers use electric engraving machines for making nameplates. But these are far behind in quality because they are not computerized. At Goleza Designers, we engrave every nameplate we make, using modern computerized laser technology. This technology produces high-quality work.
Engraved Nameplates
Which Options Do We Have For Mounting Your Engraved Nameplates?
When you order your engraved nameplates, one of the aspects to consider is the mounting option. This depends on factors like the size of the nameplate, the location where you are going to fix it and much more. To know which mounting option is best suited for your engraved nameplates, here are some options we have available.
- Desk holders
We recommend using desk holders for engraved nameplates you intend to put on counters or desks. Usually, these desk holders have grooves, one up and another one down, which hold the nameplate in one place.
- Adhesives.
We advise you to use glue if you intend to fix your engraved nameplates permanently on the wall, doors or objects.
- Wall brackets
You can use wall brackets to mount your nameplates on the wall. The good thing with this option is that you can easily remove your nameplate and place it in any other location. Use brackets if you have intentions of changing the position of your nameplate in future.
Why choose Goleza Designers for making your engraved nameplates
There are several reasons why our clients love us when it comes to making nameplates for their offices or commercial purposes. They include and are not limited to:
- Expertise
We are knowledgeable and skilful when it comes to making engraved nameplates. Most of our clients, if not all, get away satisfied with a promise to come back and to make referrals.
- Creativity.
We always look forward to something new. When a client gives us a job, we make sure we do it to his expectation. We imagine, design and turn ideas/images into real objects that our customers want.
- Uniqueness
We design and engrave just like other engravers in Uganda. But we stretch ourselves further to produce unique products and services. If you want something you will hardly find elsewhere, we should be your priority.
- Commitment to our core values
We are in business not just to make money but to get it rightly. Secondly, we value our customers’ money because it’s hard-earned money. This is why we are building our business based on the core values of honesty, quality, precision, commitment, speed and reliability. Every time we receive a job from any of our clients, we do it according to our strong core values.
- Affordability.
Although laser engraving is comparatively more expensive than traditional engraving methods, we endeavour to make our services affordable to everyone. Our prices are negotiable. They are comparatively low in the laser engraving industry. As I conclude, I would like to remind you that always think about quality whenever you want to engrave something. And we promise to provide you with quality nameplate engraving services at very affordable prices.
Goleza Designers Ltd also make other types of laser engraved signage for both indoor and outdoor usage