You are a blogger who uses WordPress Content Management System (CMS). And you have blogged for some time. You have published hundreds of WordPress blog posts. However, you do not see any tangible results. No people are visiting your website. And because of that, you are not making any money from your effort. You feel like stopping blogging. If you are in such a situation, this article is for you. And one of the things you should do is review your previous WordPress blog posts.
Many others experience the kind of situation in which you are. Don’t give up. Something small can change everything in your favour. Stop publishing new posts shortly, and take some time to review your previous WordPress blog posts.
How Do You Improve your Previous WordPress Blog Posts?
Improving your WordPress blog posts is simple. But it necessitates you to know how to go about it. It also takes time. You have to review every blog post. It shouldn’t worry you because the changes you will see afterwards are worth investing your time in the exercise. This blog post takes you through six steps you should follow to improve your WordPress blog posts.
1. Review Your Writing Style
What is your writing style in your previous WordPress blog posts? Is it appealing, boosting readership, and refreshing your blog? Is it easy to understand? If you discover that your writing style is still lacking, consider changing it. Alternatively, partner with other skilful bloggers to help you. It will improve the readership of your posts.
2. Analyse your WordPress Blog Posts
Look at your posts. Which ones were visited most and with higher conversion rates? Which ones performed worst? Why? How can you make them shine? Some of the answers you will receive may lead you to step No.3.
3. Install a WordPress SEO Plugin
You cannot improve your WordPress blog posts without focusing on search engine optimisation (SEO). You need website traffic to succeed in business. If you did not install the WordPress SEO Plugin by Joost de Valk, do so now. If you had it but weren’t using it, steps 4 and 5 are for you.
4. Review the Keywords Used
To effectively drive traffic to your blog, you must focus on keywords and SEO. Get to research the keywords that best bring visitors to your blog. SEO tools are available to help you with this, such as the Google Keyword Search Tool. I also use to get other keywords related to my main keywords.
As a guideline, do not use a focus keyword more than once in your WordPress blog posts. If you have ever used a keyword in any of your posts, avoid using it again. For instance, if you have used “laser engraving” in one of your articles, avoid using it again. Change to “laser engraving business” instead of “laser engraving” in your second post. I hope you get the idea.
5. Rewrite the Articles to Comply with the SEO Requirements
WordPress Blog
For better results, you have to rewrite your WordPress blog posts because of the points mentioned above. But as you write your blog posts again, pay much attention to the following key areas:
a) Article title:
The main article keywords should appear in the article titles of your WordPress blog posts.
b) Page title:
The article focus keywords should appear in the article page titles. The page title should contain a minimum of 40 characters and a maximum of 70 characters.
c) Page URL:
The primary keyword of your blog posts should appear in the article’s web address or URL.
d) Images:
Insert photos related to your article theme in every blog post. The images should contain alt tags. These tags should contain the main keyword of the article. Use JPG format. Optimise the images to make them lighter for the web. Place the image at the top or right of the post.
What Else Should You Consider?
e) Subheadings:
The article should have subtitles (i.e.H2, H3, H4). The subtitles should contain your main article keywords.
f) Keyword density:
Your WordPress blog posts should have a keyword density ranging from 1% to 4%. Alternatively, you can use the second guideline of one keyword to a hundred words. For example, if your post has 700 words, you may limit the number of times the keyword appears in your post to 7. The usage of keywords should flow well in the entire article.
g) Article content:
All blog posts should have a minimum of 300 words. The content should be broken down into short paragraphs, not exceeding five lines. Use brief but easy-to-read sentences. Avoid long winding sentence structures, jargon and technical language.
Your article’s readability score on the Flesh Reading Ease test should be at least 60%. That’s when the blog post will be easily read by even a 13-year old.
h) Meta description:
Your WordPress blog posts must have a Meta description that contains not more than 156 characters. It should compel the reader to share the post.
i) Outbound links:
Link to other sites because it helps to enrich your content with additional valuable information. Secondly, it gives the reader a better experience and satisfaction and is a way of making friends with other website owners. Eventually, they link to your site. You build inbound links to improve your website’s popularity.
j) Internal links:
Link your blog post to other posts on your website. It helps to improve search engine rankings and the reader’s usability. Visitors navigate through easily to find relevant information as they learn more about your products and services. Tip: Use the Related Posts plugin by Zemanta to ease your work.
6. Share Your WordPress Blog Posts
Look at your blogs to see if you shared them on social media platforms. If you didn’t, consider doing it. Create accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, etc. Always share your WordPress blog posts to all the social media networks where you have an account. It will help you to create more inbound links. It will also help you to drive traffic to your blog.
As I wind up, I would like to appeal to you to make a flashback. Blogging is not about producing new posts. It involves reviewing your old WordPress blog posts to make them more effective. What’s your experience?