Website Visitors
Learning to turn website visitors into buyers is a skill that every internet marketer should acquire. Do you have a website or a blog you are promoting? Are you satisfied with the behaviour of the people who visit your site? Do they come and disappear without accomplishing the desired actions you expect them to perform such as filling in a form, buying a product or signing up for the program you promote? How much time do your website visitors spend when they visit your site?
If your responses to the above questions are in line with your expectations, then you are probably one of the lucky few website owners or marketers with the skill and ability to turn website visitors into buyers. But if you still find hardships in this, like many other marketers, it’s high time you tested the following improvement tips.
Website Visitors
How Do You Then Turn Your Website Visitors Into Buyers?
Before going into the details, bear it in your mind that your success in making a sale online will largely depend on your ability to create a reason for your website visitors to hang around your website, to keep visiting your site frequently and to perform the actions you expect them to do. There are many ways of doing this, but let me share with you 11 proven techniques. When you apply them properly, I believe you will be able to turn your website visitors into buyers slowly by slowly but consistently.
#1. Having the Right Product for your Targeted Website Visitors.
Right Products
Check your product. Does the product you offer satisfy the individual needs of your targeted traffic? If it doesn’t, consider coming up with an alternative way of meeting your customers’ needs and satisfaction.
#2. Website’s Loading Time
How is your site in terms of loading time, appearance, content organisation and easiness of navigation? Do your website visitors put off just because your website loads slowly, and the way it appears does not give them a positive first-hand impression? Is it because of the weak navigational and broken links? Find out and do something about it as soon as possible.
#3. Credibility
Do visitors to your website have trust in your products and you the business owner? How have you built your credibility? Probably it’s one of the reasons stopping your visitors from taking any further action. Trust protects you and can quickly turn your website visitors into buyers. Read our post on how to build online credibility to learn how to develop believability online.
#4. Effective Sales Copy
Your sales copy, how is it designed? Does it target your visitors’ goals, dreams and desires? Does it bring out the significant benefits of your products and services? It’s vital for your website sales copy to attract both the emotional and physical needs of your visitors, or else they click away and never come back.
5. Provision of Useful Content
Useful Content
How is the content on your website? Is it good content that compels people to hang around your site? Does it make your website to become a site of regular reference for most of your visitors? Does it help in building your credibility and believability for your customers to buy from you?
#6. Offer a Free Promotional Product Relating to your Targeted Audience
People love free things, and the moment you offer something, you prompt them to take the actions you want them to perform. You can offer products like a free ebook, free software or any other product. You never know, it can make your website visitors become buyers.
#7. Give a Discount Offer on your Products
Your website visitors, like any other people, will enjoy good deals. Try it out! You can easily make a sale and turn website visitors into buyers.
#8. Give a Free Trial or Sample
Sample Product
Giving your visitors a free trial or a sample offer is one of the best tricks to converting your website visitors into buyers. For instance, if you deal in software, you can offer a free trial to your potential customers for a short period. When they use the product and find it useful, they are compelled to buy it. I first tried out all the software I use for at least 15 days, and when I felt satisfied, I finally bought them.
#9. Make your Ad Banners and Text Adverts as Attractive as Possible.
Use power words that can hardly be resisted by your visitors. It can easily attract your visitors to buy your products.
#10. Remove the Risk by Offering a Money-Back Guarantee on your Product
Money-Back Guarantee
Mention it on your sales copy or messages, on your ad banners and on your order pages. It will build your potential customers’ assurance and change their mindset.
#11. Have an Online Customer Support System
Guide your potential customers to understand your products, programs and services entirely. Probably they are not buying just because they lack support and more awareness about your products. Remember that most people do not want to venture into doing things on which they have little knowledge. Learn to offer customer support; you will succeed in your business.
As I conclude, I would like to appeal to you to check your site to find out whether any issues need to get resolved, take some steps to proactively convert website visitors into buyers, based on the 11 tips given above.