Self-confidence is one of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, and it’s the feeling of self-assurance you have in your values, knowledge, skills and experiences. Everyone has these values, knowledge, skills and experiences. But they vary from person to person. And everyone can start and build a successful business. But for you to effectively do it, you need to have that voice within you that assures you that “YOU CAN”. When you develop that attitude of “Yes, I can”, you then possess that wonderful feeling of self-confidence. You are also destined to build a successful business.
What Does Self-Confidence Mean?
Self-confidence does not mean you know everything or you are perfect. It merely means that you know yourself very well. Secondly, it means you know and believe in what you can do. To know yourself well, therefore, necessitates you to look at yourself carefully. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses. Thirdly, self-confidence means you are honest with yourself. You understand and accept your weaknesses. Yes, you agree that you can make mistakes and learn from them. You can stand by your own decisions and be accountable for anything you do in the course of doing your business. If you have those qualities, then you probably have this wonderful personal attribute of self-confidence.
Most people who want to start a business end up being doubtful about the success of their businesses. Why start a business enterprise where you are not sure you will succeed? If you are sceptical about your business success, then you lack self-confidence. It means you have not looked at your strengths and weaknesses. It means you don’t know yourself as far as that business is concerned.
I do business online. And I have encountered many people who ask me questions like, “Can one make money online? How much money do you make in a week and a month?” Yes, it’s reasonable to be doubtful, and everybody gets those instances of doubt where he or she becomes uncertain about something. But one important thing I would like you to know is that such moments should not outweigh your ability to develop self-assurance. You should never allow them to build up in you so much that they affect your self-confidence.
What Should You Do to Build Self-Confidence?
Negative Thinkers
One of the stumbling roadblocks to success in business with most people is allowing pessimistic thinkers to influence you and your decisions. Surrounding yourself with negative thinkers ruins your mental and physical energy to take action. It destroys your power to make decisions that impact positively on your business and your life. You may also have noticed that there are those people with whom you always feel good to surround you. Why? Maybe they give you some energy. They receive your opinions, decisions and feelings positively and respond constructively. Those are the kind of people with whom you should always surround yourself. They support you to enhance your self-confidence. Doesn’t that help you?
On the other hand, those who make negative and nonconstructive comments about what you do, what you intend to do, and what you talk about ruin both your mental and physical energy. Not only that, but they also impact negatively on your self-confidence.
What Should You Do Then?
My advice to you is that you have to always cut them out of your way because they ruin your mental and physical energy. How do you do it? You can ignore their nonconstructive comments. If not, always ask them to substantiate by giving a reason for their comments. And if you don’t use the comments based on facts with a better alternative, then it’s essential for you to ignore them. They do not take you anywhere.
Benefits of Believing in Yourself
When you believe in yourself, you get more focused and remove any doubt that could stop you from taking action or from progressing. The faith you develop in yourself makes it easy for you to look for different ways of growing your business and succeed in it.
If you already have your own business or intend to start one soon, then you must have a high level of self-confidence for you to succeed in it. Running your own business is not like working for others. With your own business, you take full responsibility, full control and full blame because everything depends on you. To succeed in it, you have to be with self-confidence.
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