Website Traffic
Tracking website traffic is a critical aspect of online marketing and an essential ingredient to success in your business. Online marketing survives on website traffic (people who visit your website), and traffic generation is what every success-conscious marketer does, from time to time, to grow their businesses. But do you know what your visitors do when they are on your website? Do you know how they behave on your site?
It’s needless to reemphasise the importance of tracking your website visitors. Every success-oriented marketer already knows it and knows how to do it. This time around, let’s focus more on how the information you get with the tracking system you are using can help you to improve your business online.
What Should You Focus on as You Track Your Website Traffic?
As you track your website traffic, the focus should be more on analysing or interpreting the data your website traffic tracker gives you. You should spend your time understanding this data to provide you with a good sense of direction in your marketing endeavours. Let me share with you six key aspects to consider and hints on how to interpret each of them.
1. Popularly Visited Pages
These are pages that receive visitors most and are more popular than other pages. What are the most popular pages? Why are they visited? Which pages are not attended to or overlooked? Why aren’t they visited? Do the pages, which you want your targeted audience to visit, receive traffic? How many people visit them in a day, a week and a month? Those pages that are popular do they generate income for you?
Use this information to determine where to focus your marketing effort, to find out what to do on the pages that are not visited and how to strengthen your achievements on the pages popularly visited. Think about, for instance, where to place your adverts? Should it be on the most visited pages or the least visited pages?
2. Length of the Visits
It means the amount of time your visitors spend on your website from the time they come up to when they leave. How much time do they spend on your site? Why that time? Are they visiting your site for the first time or they are returning visitors?
Spending very little time means there is a problem which you need to work on so that they can stay longer. For instance, you may consider making improvements on your site by providing quality content, having videos, redesigning your website to improve its appearance, enhancing its loading time and many others.
Successful websites are those with a very high return rate. If your targeted visitors do not return to your website or if you receive a low-return rate, it means you have to do something to attract your visitors to return. The onus is on you to discover, to think deeply and to come up with what to do to change that trend.
3. Source of your Website Traffic
Tracking your website traffic source is very important. From where do your visitors come? Which country? Which websites refer them to your site? How do they come to your website? Which path do they follow and which browser do they use most and less? Get to know the devices, screen resolution and operating system they use most. And which IP address do they use?
When you track your website traffic sources and how they come to your site, it helps you to analyse so many aspects related to your marketing campaigns and web development. For instance, information on the browser used helps you to focus on testing your website and make it work properly with the browsers your visitors use most. Remember that your site can display well in, say, Internet Explorer (IE) and so funny or bad in another browser. That can make your visitors click away within 5 seconds or less.
Statistics on the screen resolutions enable you to test your website so that it can display well on screen resolutions that your visitors popularly use. You have to optimise your screen resolutions to suit the majority of your website visitors.
Information on where the visitors come from is so important in making useful marketing decisions that lead to the success of your business.
4. Keyword or Keyword Phrase Analysis
Website Visitors
Tracking your website traffic should also focus on studying the keywords searchers use to get to your website. That is a severe issue because getting free targeted traffic from search engines depends entirely on the keywords people enter to find you. Which keywords do people visit most? And which don’t receive visitors but would bring in more traffic? What’s the page rank of the keywords used?
The information you get on the keyword usage helps you to know how your visitors use search engines to find your website, the terms they use, and how they use them. You need to use this information to effectively optimise your website with the right keywords to bring in more free, targeted visitors to your site.
5. Exit Links
Exit links are links on your website which your visitors click to exit or leave your website. You need to find those links that people usually click and to consider the number of times they click on them. Do your visitors click on the websites to which you link? What are those links? Are the links you recommend or your advertising links? What does that mean to you?
Look at the download information to ascertain the number of times you have had downloads on your pages. Which pages? What are they downloading? Is it a free e-book you offered to them? How does it translate into the actions you want your visitors to make? How does it meet your goals?
To wind up, I would like to strongly recommend to you to track your website traffic and the activities done by people on your site. It’s when you can make meaningful decisions about your promotional campaigns that you can tell what works and what doesn’t and how to improve. Use the information to work on your business and to grow it. Always consider tracking your website traffic to grow your business online!